
Things I wish I knew when diagnosed

I know this is not food related. However, I am on a 'forum' so to speak and had listed off things that I wish the doctor would have told me or explained to me when I was diagnosed diabetic. My doctor gave me 1 short pamphlet and said - HEY you are diabetic. Don't get me wrong. I love my doctor. In some ways I am glad she told me this way because then I could learn from other diabetics and I honestly think that is a fantastic way to learn. Perhaps, not the most effective way. But still.

So here is my list.

Things I wish I knew and wasn't told when I was diagnosed. 

  • 1. Watch your carbs. Carbs turn into sugar. Sugar is bad. 
  • 2. Everything has carbs.
  • 3. Take your Rx at the same time. It actually does matter.
  • 4. Try to eat at the same time every day. It actually does make a difference 
  • 5. Your body will react differently to different types of carbs and differently at different times of the day.
  • 6. Testing is your friend when trying new things. Test before, and after ( a couple times after) to gauge how it affects your numbers.
  • 7. High fiber items are your friends.
  • 8. Keep a log of what you eat. You'd be surprised at how much you eat.
  • 9. Fruit has natural sugar. Be aware of the content before you buy/eat. 
  • 10. Forums and groups like this are an amazing source of information
  • 11. Your doctor is a guide. You will learn your body and reactions better than your doctor. You are in control. If you feel something is wrong with your meds. Know that it is up to you to do something about it. (Consult your doctor before making changes. Give them the info you are basing your request for change)
  • 12. Fats/proteins are important too. (4 years diabetic and just learning this one)
  • 13. Your meds will need adjusting. A lot! until you find the right level of anything you are on. Oral pills may not cut it. Insulin is an option and should not be feared. (I was put on insulin 2 years after being diagnosed. Best change in meds since being diagnosed and my numbers are finally under control!)
  • 14. Everyone is different. Some people with diabetes can eat oatmeal or chips etc, some can't.
  • 15. Some people manage their diabetes. Some people don't care and eat anything they want to.
  • 16. Diabetes is not well known by people with out it. Feel free to educate those who want to know and don't understand
  • 17. There are ways around eating a lot of things that you may miss. (Diabetics get creative with recipes to make things)
  • 18. Stress or being sick can mess with your blood sugar level.
  • 19. Alcohol can mess with your blood sugar.
  • 20. Your diabetes does have a mind of its own.
  • 21. Typical normal range is 80-120. If you run high and have for a while you will likely feel low when you are in a normal range. It takes time to get used to. Don't discount the feeling though. Test.
  • 22. Don't use simple sugars for lows. You will likely crash after wards. Protein, fiber mixed with some simple sugars(someone else may be able to explain it better). Are better to level you out. Always have something on hand in case of lows. Lows are scary!
  • 23. Do not exercise when your sugars are high. It can make things worse!
  • 24. When taking insulin, heat can affect how fast it reacts to lower your sugars. Hot showers, Hot weather will cause a faster drop. Please keep eye on your numbers when you take insulin and will be in a "warm" situation.

After going though my list... What are some of the things that you know now that you wish the doctor would have told you?

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