
About This Blog

Hi!  My name is Amber.

I started this blog when I was diagnosed with Diabetes. It was a way for me to keep track of the various recipes I found and enjoyed. Cooking low carb was something new and required different ingredients, thought process, grocery lists and so on. It was an adventure for both me and my husband.

He has been amazing through all the discovery, changes and failed attempts at food. Extremely supportive and even eats lower carb versions of food with me.

We have tried the Ketogenic diet, and if I had more will power, I probably would have stuck to this. However, it did open my eyes to a new style of eating and the many wonders of extreme substitution for food. Ketogenic recipes seem to have much better flavor than most of the standard recipes I have tried and I will continue to work on creating low carb, keto friendly recipes. But, I cannot promise they will all be Keto friendly.

In addition, I do have some family that has Celiacs and I am aware of those limitations as well. While I may not go out of my way to make something Gluten Free (Unless cooking for someone who needs it, ofcourse) I will do my best to tag things Gluten Free that are. If you see anything tagged incorrectly, please let me know.   I'm by no means a professional. I will provide you with all the information I can and I hope you enjoy the recipes I post as must as I do!

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