
Peanut Butter Cookies (20 Minutes)

Thank you to MCS for posting this wonderful little piece of heaven.

These 20 Minute Peanut Butter cookies are very tasty. They come out with a little bit of a crunch and a little bit chewy. In my world that just means PERFECT.

These are pretty tasty- I have made these a few times already. Once I added Cocoa (because who doesn't like chocolate once in a while!) and they turned out great.

  • 1 cup unsalted, dry roasted peanuts
  • 1/4 cup erythritol 
  • 1/4 cup Splenda
  • 1/2 stick butter
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 egg white

Process the nuts in a food processor until fine, add the sweeteners, pulse, add the egg and butter, pulse until smooth. Bake dropped spoonfuls at 400 for about 12 minutes.

Trick is when these come out of the oven they are very soft, when cooled they will harden up, wonderful for those that can eat some peanuts.

Yields: 12 Cookies
My Adjustment to the recipe was to use 1/2 a cup of granulated splenda instead of the 1/4 cup each of Splenda and Erythritol. (I didnt have any Erythritol). I also added a little bit of vanilla. But after tasting them, I don't think it would have needed any.

Nutrition Data Taken from Calorie Recipe Analyzer. (1 Cookie- Recipe makes about 12 Cookies)

I do believe this is off a bit as I was playing with the types of sugar included in this and all should present little to no carbs. When I used 1/2 c Splenda it brought the carbs up to 17.1 per cookie. When I used "Sucralose" Which is what the sugar I used was ( I have an off brand), ir brought the carb count down to 1.7 per cookie. So - You got me. Not very accurate I dont think. 

Here are the Nutrition facts without factoring in the sugar substitutes.

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